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BESS Archetype Report


Coverage of Great Britain


Updated quarterly

A quarterly revenue forecast of battery storage assets in the UK market. This is based on our two-stage storage optimisation service, Power Price Forecasting and Storage Optimisation Modelling.


A quarterly revenue and cost forecast of battery storage assets in the GB market.

This is based on our two-stage storage optimisation:

Power price forecasting: Prices are produced as part of our Benchmark Power Curve modelling using the industry standard PLEXOS model.

Storage optimisation modelling: Our in-house model optimises the storage asset, determining the optimum revenue the battery can achieve based on the battery parameters and the market prices. It takes a ‘trader’s horizon’ of 48 hours and considers the associated risk and reward from each revenue stream.

A quarterly revenue and cost forecast of battery storage assets in the GB market.

This is based on our two-stage storage optimisation:

Power price forecasting: Prices are produced as part of our Benchmark Power Curve modelling using the industry standard PLEXOS model.

Storage optimisation modelling: Our in-house model optimises the storage asset, determining the optimum revenue the battery can achieve based on the battery parameters and the market prices. It takes a ‘trader’s horizon’ of 48 hours and considers the associated risk and reward from each revenue stream.

What's included in the BESS Archetype Report service?

Our analysis provides forecasts of the associated revenues and costs across 12 scenarios and the key revenue streams for a battery storage asset would be modelled for each scenario.

  • Scenarios for the assets in three regions – Scotland, North England and South England
  • Scenarios for one hour and two hour batteries
  • Modelled on the Cornwall Insight Benchmark Power Curve central price view
  • Forecasts over a 20-year period
  • Scenarios will be for a transmission connected 50MW asset and a distribution connected 10MW asset. The actual price will be reflective on a £/kW basis for any battery size
  • Revenue streams covered: Wholesale day ahead/intraday sales & purchases; Balancing Mechanism energy bids and offers; Dynamic Containment; Capacity Market T-1 and T-4 contracts; Network Charges (TNUoS and DUoS).

What are the benefits of this service?

Our comprehensive forecast offers you a range of benefits such as:

  • Portfolio Development: Provides a detailed forecast of key revenue streams for storage assets, allowing for initial assessment of wide portfolio of storage assets
  • Bankability: Our storage optimisation strategy has been used for a number of storage projects to obtain investment or as part of successful due diligence processes
  • Full optimisation: Instead of generic £/kW curves, each revenue stream is directly optimised based on the operating parameters of the battery asset
  • Financial Model Integration: Individual revenue stacks are provided in the results for easy integration into wider financial models

A quarterly revenue and cost forecast of battery storage assets in the GB market.

This is based on our two-stage storage optimisation:

Power price forecasting: Prices are produced as part of our Benchmark Power Curve modelling using the industry standard PLEXOS model.

Storage optimisation modelling: Our in-house model optimises the storage asset, determining the optimum revenue the battery can achieve based on the battery parameters and the market prices. It takes a ‘trader’s horizon’ of 48 hours and considers the associated risk and reward from each revenue stream.

What's included in the BESS Archetype Report service?

Our analysis provides forecasts of the associated revenues and costs across 12 scenarios and the key revenue streams for a battery storage asset would be modelled for each scenario.

  • Scenarios for the assets in three regions – Scotland, North England and South England
  • Scenarios for one hour and two hour batteries
  • Modelled on the Cornwall Insight Benchmark Power Curve central price view
  • Forecasts over a 20-year period
  • Scenarios will be for a transmission connected 50MW asset and a distribution connected 10MW asset. The actual price will be reflective on a £/kW basis for any battery size
  • Revenue streams covered: Wholesale day ahead/intraday sales & purchases; Balancing Mechanism energy bids and offers; Dynamic Containment; Capacity Market T-1 and T-4 contracts; Network Charges (TNUoS and DUoS).

What are the benefits of this service?

Our comprehensive forecast offers you a range of benefits such as:

  • Portfolio Development: Provides a detailed forecast of key revenue streams for storage assets, allowing for initial assessment of wide portfolio of storage assets
  • Bankability: Our storage optimisation strategy has been used for a number of storage projects to obtain investment or as part of successful due diligence processes
  • Full optimisation: Instead of generic £/kW curves, each revenue stream is directly optimised based on the operating parameters of the battery asset
  • Financial Model Integration: Individual revenue stacks are provided in the results for easy integration into wider financial models
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Tom Ross

Senior Business Development Manager

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