Regulatory Intelligence

Category: Policy & Regulation

Our code modifications and consultation registers for GB, help you understand what industry rule changes mean for you through tailored reports and dedicated forums.

Regulatory Intelligence

  • Policy & Regulation > Regulatory Intelligence

    Alerts service (electricity or gas)

    The 'Alerts service' is part of our Regulatory Intelligence Service, and is for both the electricity and gas markets provides you with an overview of industry developments that you and your business should be aware of. You can subscribe to either gas, electricity or both 'Alert services'. Each alert provides...

  • Policy & Regulation > Regulatory Intelligence

    Bespoke monthly impact report

    The 'Bespoke monthly impact report' is part of our Regulatory Intelligence Service, and is specifically designed with you and your business in mind highlighting every relevant policy and regulatory development that may affect your business. By utilising this service, you will be guaranteed not to miss any crucial regulatory and...

  • Policy & Regulation > Regulatory Intelligence

    Bespoke weekly impact report

    The 'Bespoke weekly impact report' is part of our Regulatory Intelligence service, and is an update on the very latest regulatory and governance changes that are relevant to your business. Tailored to meet the needs of your organisation, you can rest assured that you will receive the latest regulation developments...

  • Policy & Regulation > Regulatory Intelligence

    Code modification register (electricity or gas)

    The 'Code modification register' is part of our Regulatory Intelligence Service, and provides you with a comprehensive update on the most critical issues affecting the electricity and gas market. These are two separate reports and you can subscribe to either gas, electricity or both. Through the registers, we track all...

  • Policy & Regulation > Regulatory Intelligence

    Domestic energy supplier forum

    Our monthly ‘Domestic energy supplier forum’ is part of our Regulatory Intelligence service, and keeps you informed of the latest news and developments, so you don't have to. Our experts will take you through the latest issues of the month so you are kept up to date, allowing you to...

  • Policy & Regulation > Regulatory Intelligence

    Energy supplier compliance portal

    The 'Energy supplier compliance portal' is part of our Regulatory Intelligence Service, and is a one-stop-shop for all information that refers to supply activities. The portal keeps you up to date on the current and upcoming requirements you face as a supplier, so you don't miss any issues that will...

  • Policy & Regulation > Regulatory Intelligence

    Industry meeting reports (electricity or gas)

    Part of our Regulatory Intelligence Service, the 'Industry meeting reports' for both electricity and gas separately provide you with an overview of the main themes, topics and decisions arising from key meetings within the industry. You can subscribe to either gas, electricity or both 'Industry meeting reports'. By utilising these...

  • Policy & Regulation > Regulatory Intelligence

    Non-domestic energy supplier forum

    The ‘Non-domestic energy supplier forum’ is part of our Regulatory Intelligence service, and is a monthly meeting where we explore the market changes that will impact you. Our experts will guide you through all the developments and explain what they mean for you and your business. The forum is a...

  • Policy & Regulation > Regulatory Intelligence

    Policy and regulation consultations register

    The 'Policy and regulation consultations register' is part of our Regulatory Intelligence Service and gives you an overview of all open consultations from Ofgem, BEIS, the European Commission, as well as other regulatory bodies. This report will ensure you are kept up to date of all new consultations and their...