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Innovative Storage Technology Developer

The Cornwall Insight team worked with an innovative storage technology developer to support the business case development for their technology when collocated with electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure. The project saw Cornwall Insight develop demand forecasting tools for EV charging across public and private use cases and model the potential commercial returns for the company’s unique long-duration storage technology.

In delivering this work, Cornwall Insight built on its battery storage modelling expertise to examine the commercial opportunities from a variety of different areas, including demand management, network capacity reduction, arbitrage, contracted stability services, and network cost reduction. These were applied to public and commercial EV charging use cases to model specific project returns and storage behaviour drivers for the company.

Alongside these modelling outcomes, the Cornwall Insight team of experts developed supporting market scoping materials for the company, covering the emerging EV market, charging infrastructure sector, and battery storage space. This covered commercial metrics and activities in each of these sectors, alongside the policy and regulatory frameworks and their impacts on business models. The team also supported the client with ad-hoc advice and analysis, including on battery and EV charging site commercials and the impacts of energy market regulatory arrangements.

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