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Motorway Service Station Operator

A leading UK motorway service station provider needed to understand what their potential ongoing use of system cost would be for deploying additional electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure to meet expected future demand.

Cornwall Insight was commissioned to support the client in understanding the charges they would face and to provide a forecast of the network charges associated with the EV charging capacity across all their sites. We did this under a range of scenarios for take-up of EV charging, including with a focus on evaluating the impact of under-utilising these network connections in the near term, whilst EV charging demand ramps up.

This work allowed the client to understand the wider cost implications of developing its EV charging capability. They were then able to compare these against the value of deploying the capacity upgrades, the potential initial financial support from Government available for the upfront CAPEX portion of the costs and assess cost effective ways of upgrading network connections to meet EV charging need at their sites.

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