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Cornwall Insight’s Net Zero Commitment

We believe that a responsible approach towards employees, suppliers and local communities, the environment and society is an essential part of our success. We take this responsibility for ESG issues very seriously and have developed our approach to ESG through consultation with our Board, leadership team and broader stakeholder group.

We have established an ESG Committee, with representatives from staff, management and the Board, to oversee our ESG activity, which includes our Net Zero Strategy to target zero emissions by 2035.

We are committed to bringing emissions down to Net Zero by 2035

Cornwall Insight’s Net Zero Strategy – Statement

Cornwall Insight is committed to bringing emissions down to Net Zero by 2035, and we are pursuing this strategy without legal requirements as we believe it is our responsibility to act as rapidly and effectively as we can to reduce our carbon footprint.

Our group-wide target to reach Net Zero by 2035, and for our offices to have 80% of electricity consumption from qualified renewable sources by 2025 and 100% from qualified renewable sources by 2030, aligns with the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi).

This ensures our ambitions are underpinned by science-based emissions reduction targets, in line with the Paris Agreement goals – limiting global warming to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C.

Our group-wide Net Zero Strategy (NZS) adopts the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol to measure and manage emissions. This is the world’s most widely used emissions accounting standard.

We have calculated our emissions for our baseline year of 2019-20, and each subsequent year, which for the most recent two years now includes all relevant Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.

Cornwall Insight’s Carbon Emissions Reduction Policy (CERP) sets out activities designed to drive emissions down across our business in line with the NZS. This assimilates advice from external advisors and industry best practices.

The CERP adopts a twin-track approach:

  • Policies to reduce emissions from activity within our direct control, for example, associated with business travel, commuting, and purchased goods.
  • Policies to reduce emissions from activity outside of our direct control, for example service and product providers.

Cornwall Insight’s Sustainable Supplier Policy is a key element of this, where we commit to working with a supply chain that operates in an ethical, sustainable, safe and responsible manner, and achieves value for money on a whole-life basis.

Our current minded to position is to not make use of carbon offsetting for company emissions at this stage, but this will be kept under review.

Our NZS is independently reviewed annually as part of a wider assessment of our ESG work. Emissions data can be found in our ESG Annual Report.

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