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Cornwall Insight responds to the ESO ‘Beyond 2030’ report

Tom Faulkner, Head of Assets & Infrastructure and Networks at Cornwall Insight:

“The report lays out the essential grid investments required to keep pace with the escalating electricity demand fuelled by the widespread adoption of heat pumps and electric vehicles.

“With our sights set on a secure, low-carbon electricity grid by 2035, proactive planning and increased funding are paramount to efficiently distribute power to areas in greatest need. While solutions like high voltage direct current undersea cables off the east coast of Great Britain may carry hefty price tags, they represent the type of forward-thinking required to satisfy nationwide demand.

“Nevertheless, a blend of optimism and realism is necessary when considering our renewable energy ambitions. The 2035 forecasts for wind and solar capacity outlined in the report are notably ambitious compared to our current estimates. Achieving these targets will demand substantial investment, not only in grid infrastructure but also in the renewable generation assets themselves. It’s imperative to recognise the challenges ahead.”


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Cornwall Insight is the pre-eminent provider of research, analysis, consulting and training to businesses and stakeholders engaged in the Australian, Great British, and Irish energy markets. To support our customers, we leverage a powerful combination of analytical capability, a detailed appreciation of regulation codes and policy frameworks, and a practical understanding of how markets function.

"Achieving these wind and solar capacity targets will demand substantial investment, not only in grid infrastructure but also in the renewable generation assets themselves."

Tom Faulkner Head of Assets & Infrastructure and Networks
wind turbines and solar
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