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The Greenwashing Dilemma: Could Fear of Scrutiny be Stopping Companies From Taking Genuine Steps to Decarbonise? 

In today's world, consumers are increasingly worried about greenwashing, with many concerned about being misled by companies falsely claiming to be environmentally friendly. But there is another side to this story.

While studies show that going green can enhance brand reputation, reduce costs, and boost business, some organisations are putting decarbonisation on the back burner. Why? Fear of being accused of greenwashing.

In our latest blog, Emily Lewis explores the concerns organisations have over the scrutiny of their green efforts and offers insights on supporting a credible path to net zero.

To read the full blog, ‘Unintentional greenwashing: a challenge for organisations on the road to net zero’, please fill in the form below. By filling in the form, you will be signing up to our email list which means you’ll receive our latest news, insights and analysis of the energy sector straight to your inbox.

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