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Transforming the energy market: How change will work for consumers

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This report is an introduction to changes in the energy market. It has been written in a way that is easy to understand for people who are not familiar with the topics. Energy is critical to all sectors of the economy, and this report provides a high-level overview of the transformation options and policy decisions that need to be made. The report focuses on the GB electricity market, which covers England, Scotland, and Wales.

The past two years have seen rocketing energy prices, as households and businesses grapple with bills far beyond pre-crisis levels. There is no way to turn back the clock, however, we can look to seize the many opportunities to reshape and future-proof the UK energy system, ensuring a brighter future for consumers.

Our new report, in collaboration with the MCS Charitable Foundation, introduces the future of energy policy. Wondering how we can build a resilient energy system that’s both cost-effective and secure? Our report lays everything out.


  • Why market reform is the key to stabilising high energy costs
  • The advantages consumers can gain from an efficient energy system
  • How the Review of the Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA) could be a game-changer for investments, cost control, and delivering change in our complex energy landscape
  • The array of reform options on the table
  • How to turn these ideas into a reality
  • In an ever-evolving energy world – let us help you understand the options.

Read the full insight paper here.

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