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Market-leading forecasts for wholesale power, non-commodity costs, network charges and capacity market clearing prices, informed by our expert view of the market and our detailed, comprehensive in-house models. Used in financial and transaction due diligence and future investment or disposal decisions.

Forecast Services

Default Tariff Cap Predictor

Our Default Tariff Cap Predictor forecasts Ofgem's quarterly price cap and examines the key drivers affecting the level of the cap, and – in turn – household energy bills.

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Business Energy Cost Forecast (GB)

A regular report providing forecasts of the all-in delivery cost of energy for businesses. It utilises our market-leading in-house modelling of both wholesale energy costs and non-commodity costs/ third party charges (TPCs).

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Capacity Market Forecast (GB)

Expert forecasting of clearing prices for the T- 1 and T- 4 auctions, regular updates on key rule changes and trusted, detailed analysis of each set of auction results, to help inform on the competitive landscape and your bidding strategy.

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BESS Archetype Report

A quarterly revenue forecast of battery storage assets in the UK market. This is based on our two-stage storage optimisation service, Power Price Forecasting and Storage Optimisation Modelling.

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Storage Profitability Benchmark Curve (AUS)

The Storage Profitability Benchmark Curve (SPBC) is designed to provide a detailed revenue projection of battery storage projects across the National Electricity Market (NEM).

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Network Forecasts (AUS)

Our Network Forecasts (AUS) subscription contains our Marginal Loss Factor (MLF) Curve which provides future projections of MLFs throughout the National Electricity Market (NEM). This allows clients to be better informed of likely MLF trajectories for current projects, as well as being able to benchmark MLFs for projects under development.

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FCAS Curve (AUS)

Our FCAS Curve (AUS) subscription contains the NEM Frequency Control Ancillary Services (FCAS) Market Curve, a granular 30-minute price forecast for all NEM ancillary service markets (all 10 FCAS markets) over a 20-year horizon.

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NEM Benchmark Power Curve

The NEM Benchmark Power Curve is a comprehensive market and asset-level electricity modelling service, delivering long-term wholesale power price forecasts for the National Electricity market (NEM) in Australia.

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Japan Benchmark Power Curve

The Japan Benchmark Power Curve is a comprehensive power price modelling service, providing market and technology-specific forecasts in partnership with Shulman Advisory.

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Germany Benchmark Power Curve

The Germany Benchmark Power Curve is a comprehensive power price modelling service, providing market and technology-specific forecasts.

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SEM Benchmark Power Curve

For the Island of Ireland, a comprehensive power price modelling service that delivers long-term 30-year wholesale power price forecasts informed by our significant market, policy and regulatory expertise.

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5 Year Power Price Projector (GB)

Understand the trajectory of power prices beyond the horizon of the forward curve and integrate these assumptions into budgeting, trading, and business and investment decisions.

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Great Britain Benchmark Power Curve

A comprehensive Great Britain energy market power price modelling service that delivers long-term, wholesale, 30-year price forecasts informed by our significant market, policy and regulatory expertise, updated on a quarterly basis.

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Network Forecasts (GB)

Expert long-term forecasting for network use of system charges and revenues applicable to generators connected to the GB network. These are delivered with a configurable tool able to create projects specific forecasts based on its technology type, expected load factors, and location on the network.

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Non-Commodity Costs (GB)

Our long-term forecast of Non-Commodity Costs is the industry leading source of information, underpinned by subject matter experts, to help you understand the trajectory of charges that make up an electricity bill. The service also provides further in-depth analysis on the costs associated with the Contracts for Difference and Feed in Tariff schemes.

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wind turbines and solar
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Latest thought leadership

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Tackling the TNUoS Challenge: Could Reform be the Key to Net Zero?

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Matthew Chadwick |
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Ireland’s Electricity Storage Policy Framework: All Charged Up?

In our latest blog we present an overview of this Framework and discuss what it means for electricity storage in Ireland going forward.

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Humaira Iqbal |
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What Does The Change In Government Mean For Corporates?

Join Dr Matthew Chadwick, Emily Lewis, and Humaira Iqbal as they discuss what these changes could mean for corporates

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