At present, heat network consumers are not afforded the same levels of consumer protection that gas and electricity consumers receive. While heat networks currently provide around 3% of total heat, they are expected to provide around 20% by 2050. There are many prevalent issues in the sector around poor technical design, variations in customer service and the large number and diversity of heat network entities, which means consumer protection is much needed. Regulation of the heat network sector will take effect from January 2026. In the meantime, DESNZ and Ofgem have been and continue to consult on various aspects of the regulations to inform the final regulatory regime.
We chat with Stephen Knight (Heat Trust), Charlotte Witso (Citizens Advice) and Alistair Hill (Consumer Scotland) to bring together different consumer bodies and get their response on some of the aspects covered in some of the latest consultations.
Listen to part 1 of this podcast.
Listen to part 2 of this podcast.
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