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Battery storage in Japan: An up-and-coming market?

This paper includes exclusive insights from Cornwall Insight’s Japan Benchmark Power Curve.

As Japan progresses towards net zero emissions by 2050, the country’s energy system will undergo substantial changes, some of which we discuss in this insight paper.

In this insight paper, we discuss the demand and challenges accompanying Japan’s changing energy mix. Aiming to address whether, as the transition to net zero creates greater need and opportunities for faster dispatch electricity storage, could Japan represent an up-and-coming market for battery asset investors and developers?

If you are a Subscription Service customer, read the full Insight Paper, “Battery storage in Japan: An up-and-coming market”, in CATALYST. Insight Papers are part of our exclusive Industry Essentials service, which provides supplementary topical analysis in our new customer portal, CATALYST.

If you are not yet a subscriber, please contact Ben Reade at for a copy of the insight paper.

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